Open Tuesday–Saturday from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!

A Space for Discovery

Experience Space Foundation Discovery Center! Explore immersive exhibits and interactive labs designed to ignite curiosity and inspire the next generation of space explorers. Discover engaging exhibits and four hands-on labs — learn more about them below!

National Space Day Community Event

Join us Saturday, May 3 for a FREE community event celebrating National Space Day! Fun for space enthusiasts of all ages!

Excited Astronaut Emote


Featured Exhibits

In 1969 Neil Armstrong took "one small step for man" during the Apollo 11 mission. More than fifty years later, humanity is headed back to the Moon. NASA's Artemis Program will land...

Science and Engineering is an exploratory, iterative process that allows us to make new discoveries while learning from our mistakes. Thousands of people contribute to...

People have imagined going to the Moon for thousands of years. It was not until 1687 that Isaac Newton discovered the laws of motion and gravity that we began to...

Our five senses are how we experience the world around us. All our senses are affected by microgravity in different ways. Imagine living in a house the size...

Almost everyone around the world uses man-made satellites daily. Since the launch of Sputnik in 1957, humans have sent thousands of satellites into space, all with different purposes.

From hot deserts, to freezing glaciers, to deep oceans, and distant planets, scientists must overcome many challenges to explore these extreme environments.

Light is not the only way humans interact with our surroundings — it is also our window back in time. Light is the fastest thing in the universe, traveling at 186,000 miles...

When Alan Shepard became the first American in space in 1961, NASA had not considered how their new astronauts were supposed to relieve themselves.


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Shine Bright! Your Star. Their Future.

Be a guiding light in the universe of education, exploration, and innovation. Purchase your commemorative star today and imprint your legacy among the stars that adorn our new stellar space.

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