Audience with an Astronaut

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Upcoming AWA Sessions
All sessions will air from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Mountain Time.
Session Date Grade Level Topic Featured Astronaut Session Video Link Curriculum
April 28, 2025 6th - 12th Future Prepping: Human Life in Space
With future space explorations going to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, extensive research has begun on how to best prepare humans for future long-term life either in space or on another celestial body. Join us as we learn about how we are exploring growing plants in space, material science, and 3D printing technologies to transform life aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and better equip future human endeavors for space exploration.
Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon
Session Date Grade Level Topic Featured Astronaut Curriculum
Friday, October 4, 2024 6th-8th AI & Robotics in Space
Join astronaut Duane "Digger" Carey for an inspiring virtual event where he shares his journey from Air Force pilot to NASA astronaut, offering insights into alternative pathways to STEM careers. Explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education for students and teachers, and discover the mechanics and operation of robotics in both daily life and space exploration. Whether you're curious about technology, space, or new career paths, this program will inspire you to reach for the stars and embrace the future of STEM.
Retired USAF Lt. Col. Duane "Digger" Carey
Retired USAF Lt. Col.
Duane “Digger” Carey

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 All Lunar Outpost - Looking Ahead
Students will learn about our future lunar outposts and how we can successfully build a sustainable lunar community and what kinds of jobs and careers will be needed. To celebrate the end of the AWA Season, our featured astronaut, Duane "Digger" Carey will be demonstrating some stellar STEM experiments LIVE!
Retired USAF Lt. Col. Duane "Digger" Carey
Retired USAF Lt. Col.
Duane “Digger” Carey

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 All Future of Solar Weather - Total Solar Eclipse &
STEM Careers

Students will learn all about space weather - what it is, how it's formed, and how it impacts life here on Earth, such as in the form of Northern Lights and especially eclipses. We will focus on how to best engage with the upcoming totality eclipse in April. They'll also dive into ideas for current and future STEM careers we will need to better protect ourselves from solar weather and engage with the resulting phenomenon.
Retired USAF Col. Eileen Collins
Retired USAF Col.
Eileen Collins

Monday, February 26th, 2024 3rd-5th What's It Like to Live in Space?
Students will learn about what it takes for humans to live long term in space, specifically the medical and mental health problems we face when considering longer-term space travel like going to Mars, and what kinds of solutions we have in place and need to create to make this exploration possible.
Dr. Kjell Lindgren
Dr. Kjell Lindgren

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 6th-12th Space Technologies - Past, Present, and Future
Students will learn about a variety of technologies we have used to explore space, such as space vehicles, satellites, space stations, launch vehicles, and deep space communication, such as telescopes. We will discuss some of the amazing technologies Dr. Thornton has worked on in her career, explore present experiments and technologies being used today, and then discuss what the future might look like with so many things in Earth's orbit and how we solve those problems.
Dr. Kathryn Thornton
Dr. Kathryn Thornton

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 3rd-5th Back to the Moon
Students will learn about the first missions to the Moon, the Apollo missions, that took place over 50 years ago, as well as our current return to the Moon missions known as the Artemis missions. They will explore how we are getting to the moon, why we are going to the moon, and what to expect when we get there.
Retired USAF Lt. Col. Duane "Digger" Carey
Retired USAF Lt. Col.
Duane “Digger” Carey

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 3rd-5th Earth: Our Home, Our Mission
Students will learn about our home planet. Earth: what makes it unique, why we should take care of it, and how we can take care of it, from space research that benefits Earth, to at-home ideas.
Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Susan Helms
Retired USAF Lt. Gen.
Susan Helms

Monday, February 27, 2023 3rd-5th Humans in Space
Students will learn what happens to the human body when living in space versus on Earth, the challenges humans face with this, and required current and future spacecraft safety features.
Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Susan Helms
Retired USAF Lt. Gen.
Susan Helms

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 3rd-5th Moon to Mars
Students will learn about plans for humans to colonize the Moon and then Mars. They will learn about the Artemis Missions, constraints for getting to the Moon and Mars, and what a future life on Mars truly entails.
Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Susan Helms
Retired USAF Lt. Gen.
Susan Helms

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 6th-12th Solar System & Beyond
Students will learn about Earth-like exoplanets and moons that may either contain life or have the ability to support life, such as on Europa and Enceladus. What does life beyond Earth look like and how can we find it?
Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Susan Helms
Retired USAF Lt. Gen.
Susan Helms

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 6th-12th Aeronautics
Students will learn about the science of sound, specfically the speed of sound, Mach, sonic booms, and resulting effects on humans and animals. They will learn about a current Space Mission known as QUESST (Quiet Supersonic Flight Over Land) which utilizes a newly created aircraft, the X-59, designed to reduce loud sonic booms to quiet thumps.
Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Susan Helms
Retired USAF Lt. Gen.
Susan Helms

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 6th-12th Technology Drives Exploration
Students will dive into the phrase 'necessity is the mother of invention' through exploring how technology plays a role in driving human exploration of our universe and learning about one such mission known as DART.
Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Susan Helms
Retired USAF Lt. Gen.
Susan Helms