Parent Resources
The Space Foundation Discovery Center, the Pikes Peak region’s first and only space, science and technology attraction, offers a multitude of space-themed resources for parents, whether they are homeschooling or simply seeking fun, enriching activities for the entire family.
The Discovery Center is home to a permanent collection of fascinating space artifacts and exhibits to explore.
In addition, we are proud to host limited-time featured exhibits from other science centers and museums around the country, which offer fun, engaging ways for kids and adults to interact with scientific concepts.
During the school year, families with children of all ages can enjoy monthly themed events and activities, such as Homeschool Days, Tesla’s Toolbox and Family Star Party. See all upcoming events.
Art Contest For Creative Kids
STEM + Art = STEAM. Students, aged 3-18, are encouraged to submit original artwork on a space-oriented theme to our 9th Annual Space Foundation International Student Art Contest. Deadline: November 19, 2018.
Enjoy the Discovery Center All Year Round and Save!
Our annual family membership, the Discovery Center Passport, allows your family to visit the Discovery Center as often as you like, for one low price.
Stay in Touch - Learn About New Events and Activities!
Stay informed of upcoming events and exhibits by subscribing to our monthly StarBlast email, by signing up here.
The Space Foundation offers a growing list of fun activities to do with your family at home.
Cool Community Programs!
Want to see more space in your community? We travel! Share our Space In the Community offerings with your school or organization.
Solar Eclipse Links
What’s Up: Total Solar Eclipse
3D print your own pinhole viewer for the upcoming eclipse.
Good eclipse-teaching resource.
Astronomical Society Resources
Eclipse Resource Page
How can the small Moon hide the giant Sun?
NASA Total Solar Eclipse Activities: